Banner for Info Session: Patagonia and Scuba Leadership Expeditions

Info Session: Patagonia and Scuba Leadership Expeditions

by Leadership Programs


Tue, Sep 17, 2024

4:30 PM – 5:30 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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Sage B08

Sage Hall, 114 Feeney Way, Ithaca, NY 14853, United States



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Leadership Expeditions 

Join us at our info session on Tuesday September 17th to learn more about this year's planned Leadership Expeditions. This session is your chance to learn more about each expedition, hear from past participants, and ask questions. 

What is a Leadership Expedition? 
Leadership expeditions give students a chance to get off campus and focus deeply on their leadership in a unique, challenging, and changing environment. 

On a leadership expedition, students can expect to:

  • experience ambiguity and adversity;
  • be forced to make decisions with incomplete, inconclusive, and/or conflicting information;
  • take turns assuming responsibility for the group; and,
  • receive real-time feedback and coaching on their leadership efforts.

In short, this is a chance to practice, rather than just talk about, real leadership.

Please visit the campus groups event page for each expedition and review all of the details provided. 

Patagonia Leadership Expedition
Scuba Leadership Expedition

Application Details
Students will apply to both expeditions through a single application which will be linked on each expedition Campus Groups page. The application will open on September 17th. You will have the opportunity to choose to apply to one expedition or both, but you will be able to participate in a maximum of one Leadership Expedition during your MBA tenure. 

Questions? Reach out to Jackie Barrett, associate director of leadership programs















File Attachments: NOLS--How to Prepare Physically.pdf

Dress Casual (jeans ok)

Hosted By

Leadership Programs | Website | View More Events
Co-hosted with: Leadership Programs (OWNER), MBAI, MBAII, International Study Trips and Projects

Contact the organizers