Residential MBA Clubs - Sports/Recreation/Wellness Club, Sports Club, #INDEPENDENT (EO) ORGANIZATION
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Lukas Anicker
Mission To provide the Johnson and wider Cornell community an opportunity to explore the outdoors, appreciate the beauty of nature and connect with like-minded people.
Membership BenefitsATTENTION: You must sign a waiver on Cornell CampusGroups to participate in our events. Go to: https://cornell.campusgroups.com/JohnsonOutdoor/club_signup Outdoor Ventures club is comprised of members who are passionate about being outside and exploring. We live in a beautiful area and want to see more of it ourselves, as well as share it with others in the Johnson community. We'll be planning some great activities, but if you have a great idea for a trip, or just want to get outside during the weekend, we'll give you the platform to make that happen. Join both the 'Outdoor Ventures General' group chat (https://groupme.com/join_group/88978280/p3a4P4EP) to keep up to date of all of our activities and events.
ATTENTION: You must sign a waiver on Cornell CampusGroups to participate in our events. Go to: https://cornell.campusgroups.com/JohnsonOutdoor/club_signup
Will end at Graduation