Family, Wealth & Values. (Registration closed. Please contact Babatunde Ayanfodun, ba279@cornell.edu or Julie Zhu, juliezhu@ckgsb.edu.cn)
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Please join us for a networking reception to highlight the 2017 Global Emerging Leaders in Family Enterprise program. All Cornell and GEL Alumni are also invited and encouraged to attend. After opening comments by Daniel Van Der Vliet, the John and Dyan Smith Executive Director of Family Business at Cornell University, we will be joined by a Next-Generation Leadership Panel featuring our Global Emerging Leaders alumni:
• James Wan - Fordham University Student & Entrepreneur
• Michelle Yu - Estates, Appraisals & Valuations, Christie's
• Popo (Huirong) Huang - Chief Marketing Officer at B4DawnNYC
• Nathan Young (16) - Data Analyst at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Global Emerging Leaders for Family Enterprise (GEL) is a select leadership development offering for emerging entrepreneurs from American, Chinese and other international family enterprises. GEL prepares you for success as a next-generation leader of your family business by connecting you with peers and fellow business creators in circumstances you would actually face as an executive seeking to foster international and intergenerational business opportunities and the exchange of values and knowledge.
GEL represents a collaborative effort between two of the leading business schools in China and the US: Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business and the SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University. As the only comprehensive cross-cultural, experiential and immersive program for the next generation, GEL is the foundation upon which participants can build the competitive edge they need in the years to come.
Dress Business Casual
Johnson School NYC Space
45 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10016, United States
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: Alumni Affairs & Development (AA&D), Family Business Club
Contact the organizers