About Us
The Johnson Africa Business Society (JABS) is an all-inclusive organization that provides a solid platform for Cornellians who have a strong interest in issues, events and business opportunities related to Africa.
The Johnson Africa Business Society (JABS) is an all-inclusive organization that provides a solid platform for Cornellians who have a strong interest in issues, events and business opportunities related to Africa.
JABS charter generally includes: (1) Providing an avenue to spotlight internships, job opportunities, and business innovations in specially selected African countries. (2) Maintaining strong relationships with alumni and Africa Business clubs in other business schools. (3) Supporting Johnson AT Cornell recruitment efforts in Africa.
E: JABS@cornell.edu
P: 607-254-8828
Johnson Africa Business Society (JABS)
Johnson Africa Business Society
107 Sage Hall, Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14852-6201