Johnson at Cornell University | Groups

Johnson Student Activities & Special Events Office
107 Sage Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
  • INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONS ONLY: When setting up checking accounts with local banks, MBA clubs should use "JOHNSON" in the title, i.e., "JOHNSON Squash Club," "JOHNSON Wine Club," etc. The address on your account should read "JOHNSON Club Name, 107 Sage Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-6201."

  • INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONS ONLY: The MBA club Treasurer and President should both have signature authority on the checking account, as well as access to any online banking, PayPal accounts, etc. New officers should actually login to accounts upon transition, to update security requirements and change passwords.

  • MBA club boards should establish a refund policy for dues and event registration payments, and clearly communicate the policies in JOHNSON CampusGroups.

  • INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONS ONLY: All MBA club checking accounts with local banks must have a unique, permanent federal ID number associated with them. (Clubs CANNOT use the university's federal ID number.) It is important that you use this number, and not the social security number of a club officer. If you do not have record of your club's number, email Student Activities at

  • INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONS ONLY: PayPal - Indepdent clubs generally set-up PayPal accounts as a small business. If you have a PayPal account that you would like to use to accept payments in JOHNSON CampusGroups, please email the account name to

  • INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONS ONLY: Johnson and Cornell INDEPENDENT student clubs & organizations are NOT tax exempt, and cannot use the university's NY State Sales Tax Exemption number for any expenses being paid from club checking accounts, nor from GPSAFC funds.

  • When using GPSAFC funds, you must follow GPSAFC Funding Guidelines.  Login to CORNELL CampusGroups to submit GPSAFC payment requests under the MONEY tab for your group.

  • For any expenditures to be paid from university accounts (corporate sponsorship, Johnson department sponsorship, and/or Student Budget Committee), you must contact the Student Activities & Special Events Office in 107 Sage Hall WELL IN ADVANCE of the expense being incurred or committed to, so that they can work with you to determine the best way to facilitate the transaction. In many cases, the item can be charged directly to a university procurement card or billed directly to the school. We will make every attempt to avoid having students expend personal funds, provided that we are notified in advance of the expenditure. 

  • Any CONTRACTS signed by club officers are the responsibility of the club, and must be backed by club external checking account funds. Contracts being entered into that will be paid from funds residing in school/university accounts must be reviewed in advance by the Johnson Student Activities & Special Events Office and signed by Cornell Purchasing. Please allow at least fifteen (15) business days for this process.
  • ALCOHOL - if using any funds that reside in university accounts (GPSAFC, SBC, Title-Town, Department sponsorship, ect.) to pay for alcohol, it must either be served by a licensed and insured caterer, or served at a licensed facility (restaurant/bar).

  • PLEASE NOTE: Johnson generally will NOT cover from university accounts travel expenses (airfare, lodging, etc.) for guest speakers participating in student-run symposia. Some funding for these expenses is available from the GPSAFC (see Club Funding)

  • Should your club wish to recognize a Johnson faculty or administration member in appreciation for some special assistance (flowers, gift certificate, etc.), funds to cover this type of expenditure should come from club checking accounts or a collection among members, and NOT from corporate funding, nor any other school accounts.