Johnson at Cornell University | Groups

Johnson Student Activities & Special Events Office
107 Sage Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
  1. All clubs must re-register each fall with Cornell University Campus Activities. Registration is done at NOTE that the Cornell instance of CampusGroups is used by Johnson School clubs for Club Registrations and GPSAFC Funding RequirementsMost other Johnson School club management functions (calendar, memberships, emails, websites, event registrations, surveys, etc.) are done at
  2. Failure to re-register your club with the university will result in your group NOT being covered by university insurance, and therefore your group will NOT be allowed to sponsor any activities until your registration is complete. You will find an overview of the registration process at
  3. Group Type - some Johnson School clubs register as "University (IT)" and some as  "Independent (EO)." If you are unsure what type your club is, please email
  4. When registering, all clubs must submit a constitution/bylaws document. You can find more information, and a generic document to customize for your club here.
    • Email  Use Club's "" address for University Organizations OR a third-party group email for Independent Organizations.
    • Address  107 Sage Hall, Ithaca NY 14853 – use this for any addresses
    • REQUIRED POSITIONS to register graduate student organizations: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Advisor.
    • For the required ADVISOR position, all Johnson MBA clubs can list:
      • Name  Rhonda Velazquez
      • Email
      • NetID  rhv2
  6. Sports Clubs: Sports clubs have additional requirements for registration, including submitting rosters online and having members sign waivers at
  7. Registering a new club involves a few more steps, and details are outlined at